In recent years, ACell + PRP hair loss treatments have become more popular among people looking for a non-surgical way to improve the appearance of their thinning hair. As a pioneer of administering ACell PRP to patients since 2011, many years were spent developing customized treatments for a wide range of people and different manifestations of pattern hair loss. Since then, the TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration treatment has been featured on Fox News and has been receiving large volumes of inquiries from around the world through our websites, YouTube, and other social media platforms.
Times have changed where colleagues who once dismissed the potential of ACell and PRP, as well as PRP alone for hair loss treatment several years ago, have now changed their minds about it and are offering the treatment in their practices. Since then, there has been an increase of ACell+PRP treatments being offered by various practitioners that are in no way related to the system spent years in development and refinement. In fact, most of these treatments by competitors are essentially made up of generic PRP with a limited amount of ACell.
Success Rates Differ
Many standard PRP or ACell+PRP treatments around today need to be consistently done every month or every three months. This is in contrast to what we’ve observed, where an overwhelming majority of patients treated with the TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration procedure have seen continued improvement in hair growth for 3-5 years after only 1 treatment.
One of our first TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration patients from 2011
One of our first TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration patients from 2011
Having been able to treat patients from all over the world for hair loss since 2011, the volume of data and experience TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration has acquired is unparalleled. The data we’ve gathered over the years has allowed us to understand the specific details and characteristics of hair loss in a wide range of people who suffer from the condition.
Our ACell+PRP system success rate, which we call TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration, can improve scalp coverage by thickening existing thinning hair, and by stimulating growth from dormant hair follicles. Over 99% of male and female pattern hair loss patients we’ve treated have shown visibly denser scalp coverage.
As part of our commitment to every patient’s successful treatment, we see our patients every 3 to 6 months for about 2 years after the initial treatment, and then we have follow-ups every year for the duration of 5 years. We track each patient’s progress very closely, which is evident in our high success rate.
One of our female pattern hair loss patients 3 months after a single injection of TrichoStem Hair Regeneration.
One of our female pattern hair loss patients 3 months after a single injection of TrichoStem Hair Regeneration.
A proper evaluation for hair loss treatment requires time for a full examination and for discussion of different strategies. Keep in mind that it’s also in your best interest to ask to see actual before and after treatment photos of previous cases during a consultation. This is so you can be well-informed as to what level of experience the practice has with the treatment they’re offering you. You should be able to feel absolutely confident in the doctor managing your hair loss.
Before and after photos, patient reviews, as well as feedback on the dramatic and consistent results we’ve been able to give our patients with TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration can be found on all our websites. However, we are aware that there have been several unethical practices that offering ACell+PRP who have stolen our photos and claim them as their own.
These photos of one of our TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration patients have been stolen by several medical practices, and even used in a televised feature by another practice.
These photos of one of our TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration patients have been stolen by several medical practices, and even used in a televised feature by another practice.
The Challenges Extracellular Matrix by ACell
The difficulty with ACell (extracellular matrix) is that it comes in different forms, so it was a challenge when it came to dosing. To overcome this, each patient was examined every 3 months for years to note their progress, and created systems based on specific criteria for each type of individual patient category so that we could achieve optimal and predictable results every time. We worked with scientists who helped measure the materials for the appropriate volume of PRP applied to each patient.
A lot of nights and years to develop the TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration System, and its success inspired the TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration Centers in order to help people who are unable to come to my practice in New York to have the treatment. Our first center outside of our two New York clinics is located in Vienna, Virginia.
Extracellular matrix by ACell comes in two basic forms: powder and sheets. The powder form is used in hair loss management injections and is particularly difficult to dose
A Unique Formulation
The ACell+PRP system TrichoStem developed is unlike any other, and in order to take advantage of the potential revenue of this treatment, many practitioners simply just create a generic PRP with ACell formulation and use it on everybody, regardless of whether they are dealing with male or female pattern hair loss. This is what we call a one-size-fits-all, or ‘shotgun’ approach. This type of approach does not work for any cosmetic procedure and does not work in managing hair loss, particularly when it disregards other important factors such as the age when the hair loss started, or the severity of hair loss.
TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration treatment is a unique formulation of ACell and PRP based on algorithms we’ve developed since 2011. The algorithm takes into account individual hair loss factors such as gender, age of onset of hair loss, degree of hair loss, other medications taken (like finasteride and minoxidil for men, and spironolactone and minoxidil for women), and other medical treatments (like previous hair transplants).
Based on this algorithm and the individual characteristics of pattern hair loss in each patient, the TrichoStem® hair loss classification system was created. This system allows us to customize treatments suited for each patient’s manifestation of pattern hair loss, and the results we’ve achieved for our patients have been repeatedly consistent since 2011.
Customized treatment formulations are more effective than standardized ones because hair loss causes differ between individuals and among men and women.
Customized treatment formulations are more effective than standardized ones because hair loss causes differ between individuals and among men and women.
Number of Treatments
There’s a range of required numbers of treatments and frequency of treatments when it comes to ACell+PRP treatments. For example, many practices offer ACell+PRP that require a treatment session every month to every three months. This, however, is the same range for PRP treatment without ACell. So, what happened to the benefit of using ACell?
Some practitioners will advise patients to continue having additional treatments even after seeing no results, saying, “you’ve come this far, so let’s do another 3 sessions.” There is also the question of what happens when you miss a session. Does missing one session mean the benefits from all the previous sessions are gone? In our opinion, this approach seems more like a revenue-generating tactic.
Effectiveness of TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration treatment after 6 months and a single injection
Effectiveness of TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration treatment after 6 months and a single injection
Since starting TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration treatment in 2011, most of our patients have only needed 1 treatment session, and their results have last anywhere from 3 to 5 years, and even longer. After observing how a significant percentage of hair that appeared after the initial injection was responsive to a second injection, we concluded that more patients with aggressive and advanced hair loss could get added benefit from a second injection. We call this a booster injection and is typically given 15-24 months after the first treatment, if needed.
Other medical practices will often charge patients for every treatment session, with no clear long-term strategy to goes beyond the next few months. With TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration, the second booster injection comes at no additional cost. Over the years of developing the treatment protocol, we’ve accumulated enough data that ensures that, in 3-5 years, no more than 2 treatments are needed for our patients who suffer from pattern hair loss. This experience also allows us to provide patients with an honest and realistic outlook for their improvement so they can feel confident in our approach to managing hair loss.
Male patient with significant thinning achieved considerably denser hair coverage after two TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration treatment sessions.
Male patient with significant thinning achieved considerably denser hair coverage after two TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration treatment sessions.
Longevity of Treatment
How long does ACell+PRP last?
Many practitioners who offer ACell+PRP say treatments should last 1-2 years, during which you will have about 4-8 scalp injection sessions. Based on this strategy, it seems that these practitioners do not expect the effect of a single injection to last more than 3 months. In addition, they claim that a series of 4 to 8 injections will yield benefits that will last 1-2 years after the completion of treatment, but can the same longevity be applied to both a 20-year-old male with advanced hair loss and a 50-year-old female with minimal hair loss? Of course not.
This is where the TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration System is different. The effects of the treatment are expected to last for at least 3-5 years, and for some people, even longer. These are from results and data we’ve gathered since 2011, from patients 5 years after their initial treatment.
TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration results in a male patient with moderate hair thinning 5 years after a single injection and no finasteride.
TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration results in a male patient with moderate hair thinning 5 years after a single injection and no finasteride.
In our practice, patients with severe and early onset hair loss and patients with moderate and later onset hair loss are classified differently, and therefore receive different treatment protocols. This is based on the classification system we created after many years of observing hair growth behavior and response to TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration in male and female pattern hair loss patients. With the help of this classification system, we’ve been able to determine if a patient is particularly sensitive to DHT (dihydrotestosterone), and whether a DHT-blocker like finasteride would be beneficial.
It’s important to remember that hair loss is not cured, it’s managed. Our objective as a hair loss treatment system is to help you maximize your scalp coverage for the longest period that your genetics will allow.
This male patient was taking finasteride for 9 months prior to TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration treatment to help with high DHT-sensitivity. The difference from finasteride treatment alone is clearly seen.
This male patient was taking finasteride for 9 months prior to TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration treatment to help with high DHT-sensitivity. The difference from finasteride treatment alone is clearly seen.
ACell+PRP Treatment Follow-Up Sessions and Results
At the start of any ACell+PRP treatment, the number of treatment sessions needed and the cost should be very clear. Unfortunately, many practices that offer ACell+PRP, or PRP alone for hair loss are aware that their treatments have unpredictable results. and either stop seeing patients after 2 or more sessions; or try to make their patients keep coming in for more treatments at an extra cost. In our opinion, if a medical practice is committed and confident in the results of their ACell+PRP treatment, they should not charge for follow-up visits to monitor your progress, or charge per treatment session.
Regular follow-up sessions, during which high-resolution digital photos are always taken, are important to show patients improvement in scalp coverage.
Regular follow-up sessions, during which high-resolution digital photos are always taken, are important to show patients improvement in scalp coverage.
Our TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration ACell+PRP treatment plan is straightforward. We charge a one-time fee for the entire treatment plan, which comes with regular follow-up sessions done yearly to monitor results. These follow-up sessions will continue on for about 5 years after the initial treatment.
Before your treatment, standardized digital photography and microscopic evaluation are done. Typically, an ideal candidate for hair loss treatment will have 1-2 treatment sessions, with the second treatment given 15-24 months after the first session. After your first TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration treatment, you are scheduled for follow-up visits at regular intervals of 3 to 6 months. These sessions, as well as the booster injection, come at no extra charge as they are included in your one-time fee.
During these follow-up sessions, you can expect proper standardized digital photos to be taken on a regular basis, since seeing improvement in scalp hair coverage can be difficult for you to monitor on your own. You should be able to see comparisons of your before and after photos. Keep in mind that all of this takes time and should be part of your treatment.
Since we have many patients who come to New York from all over the world to undergo our TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration treatment, we do many of our follow-up sessions through email, Skype, or Facetime. To our knowledge, there is no other ACell+PRP treatment system with this level of commitment to their patients’ ongoing care.
Regular follow-up sessions, during which high-resolution digital photos are always taken, are important to show patients improvement in scalp coverage.
The TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration treatment plan includes the initial treatment, follow-up sessions, and a second treatment if necessary — all for a one-time fee.
Extensive Experience in Hair Loss Management
With the growing popularity of non-surgical hair loss treatments using ACell+PRP or PRP alone, more and more medical practices have begun offering these injection treatments without any previous hair restoration experience to back it up. Ask yourself this: if these practices weren’t taking care of hair loss patients previously, how did they suddenly become experts with ACell+PRP? When it comes to hair loss management, it’s important that you look for a doctor who has extensive experience managing male and female pattern hair loss.
Prior to discovering TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration, Dr. Prasad already had extensive experience with hair loss treatment, including hair transplants and prescribing finasteride.
Prior to discovering TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration, Dr. Prasad already had extensive experience with hair loss treatment, including hair transplants and prescribing finasteride.
Dr. Prasad has been helping patients manage hair loss by means of hair transplant surgery and non-surgical options such as finasteride throughout his career. In his desire to improve the results of hair transplant surgery and hair graft survival, he discovered the benefits of ACell+PRP. Prior to this, he used extracellular matrix by ACell to improve wound healing in other cosmetic procedures such as facelifts.
He decided to apply this same wound-healing material to the hair graft donor incision at the back of the head, as well as the recipient area where small stabs are made by the hair implantation device. While he noticed the expected improvement in the healing of the donor area scar, he also noticed that the native hair in areas not transplanted grew back thicker.
Dr. Prasad developed TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration after observing that extracellular matrix by ACell, when applied on transplanted hair grafts to facilitate healing, could also thicken existing thinning hairs.
Dr. Prasad developed TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration after observing that extracellular matrix by ACell, when applied on transplanted hair grafts to facilitate healing, could also thicken existing thinning hairs.
Determining the appropriate depth and dosing of ACell+PRP was supported by Dr. Prasad’s previous hair restoration experience and knowledge of actually implanting hair grafts. Understanding the proper depth of placement of hair grafts was invaluable in determining the depth of scalp injections to get the best results.
Other factors like recognizing different hair loss patterns and areas of hair thinning, classification of hair loss severity, and understanding the varying levels of DHT-sensitivity in men also helped me in establishing the algorithms for ACell+PRP formulation for the TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration. Practitioners that do not have this kind of experience will only employ a cookie-cutter approach typically learned at a PRP vendor-sponsored course.
TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration ー International Benchmark for Managing Hair Loss
Many of our patients fly in from around the world every week to have the TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration treatment with us, a feat that wouldn’t be practical for them to do so if they needed multiple treatment sessions in a year, or if the benefits only lasted a year or two at the most.
If you are interested in having long-lasting improvement for your hair loss with a team committed to long-term management using a well-established system of ACell+PRP treatment, fill out the contact form below, or call us at (212) 265-8877 in New York City, (516) 742-4636 in Garden City, Long Island, or (703) 356-1336/ (703) 821-2683 in Vienna, Virginia.