Our Dedication to Accessibility

TrichoStem Hair Regeneration Centers , its website TrichoStem.com, and its parent company Prasad Cosmetic Surgery/Amiya Prasad, MD, PC. are committed to making our content accessible to everyone. As part of our dedication and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines our site is automatically ready for various page readers, and more easily accessed by clicking the “Accessibility Adjustment”  button on the lower right side of your screen, provided by accessiBe. 


In continually improving our content, and making it more accessible to everyone, if any part or feature of our site has any challenges of access, please fill out a contact form on our site, or contact us at contact@prasadcosmeticsurgery.com with the subject line “Disability access”, or reach out to our offices at (212) 265-8877 in Manhattan, or (516) 742-4636 in Garden City, Long Island. Thank you for visiting us, and helping our content be more accessible to everyone.

    Schedule An Appointment Today!

    To schedule a consultation with Dr. Amiya Prasad or a TrichoStem® doctor, submit the form below or call our Manhattan office at (212) 265-8877 or Garden City Long Island Office at (516) 535-9479. Our phones are open 24 Hours a Day / 7 Days a Week. Virtual consultations through Skype or through sending your hair loss details are also available. Patient Financing options available for qualified candidates.